Cycling can help you live longer and reduce knee pain

This is the life cycle.

Lifelong cyclists live longer, have stronger immune systems and are less likely to experience knee pain or arthritis than non-bikers.

While previous studies have already shown many benefits of cycling, new research shows that regular cyclists are significantly less likely to develop arthritis by age 65. NPR.

A lifetime of cycling can help you live longer and avoid knee pain, researchers say. Joyce –

The study, published last month in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, examined the lifetime exercise habits of 2,600 people with an average age of 64. All participants were at risk of developing knee osteoarthritis due to weight, family history, or other previous injuries. The researchers also took X-rays to assess arthritis in the participants’ joints.

The study is notable because the scientists didn’t study athletes — they looked at the exercise habits of “average” people.

“Compared to people with no cycling history, bicyclists were 21% less likely to have X-ray evidence and symptoms of osteoarthritis,” study author and associate professor Dr. Grace Lowe of Baylor College of Medicine told NPR.

Osteoarthritis, or OA, is the most common form of arthritis and affects 32.5 million Americans. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sometimes called “wear-and-tear” arthritis, it primarily affects people over the age of 50 and occurs when the cartilage in the joint breaks down, causing loss of function and pain.

Regular cyclists have 22% less premature death. lazyllama –

“I was surprised at how strong the effect was,” Lo added.

Researchers point out that cycling is low-impact – making it a more sustainable form of exercise for people throughout their lives. When you ride a bicycle, the repetitive motion—pedaling in a circular pattern over and over again—helps circulate the synovial joint fluid around the knee. The fluid acts like a lubricant, helping joints work smoothly and without friction.

When the fluid is well-circulated, it also provides a supply of nutrients to the cartilage,” Matthew Harkey, co-author and musculoskeletal researcher at Michigan State University, explained to NPR.

Cycling is especially beneficial for the elderly as it is low impact and does not put too much stress on the joints. Clement Coetzee/ –

Although cycling comes with a risk of injury, overall, the researchers said, it is more beneficial for those who want to be active throughout life because it puts less stress on the joints compared to an activity like jogging.

“There’s good data to support that people live longer when they cycle,” Lo said.

Previous studies have shown that people who cycle for an hour each week have a 22% lower risk of premature death.

Ultimately, the researchers noted that cycling is a lifelong exercise that people can do to extend their lifespan.

“I think it’s a great prevention strategy for many things, including arthritis,” Lo explained.

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